Become Healthy & Beautiful

Month: June 2021

Health & Beauty Care with Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great part of natural skincare. They have many anti-aging properties and help keep the skin fresh, smooth, and wrinkle-free. Essential oils can nourish the skin. They can moisturize and invigorate. But they can also calm you down and reduce inflammation. Many etherische Öle also has a strong antioxidant effect and in this way eliminates the main cause of wrinkles and tired skin.


Essential oils in health & beauty care

etherische Öle

With their high antioxidant content, essential oils protect the skin from free radicals and thus from aging and wrinkling. The main cause of premature aging has long been known. It is a strong imbalance between damaging free radicals and antioxidants. This wonder is also acknowledged as “oxidative stress”.

This creates so many free radicals that the body can no longer fully neutralize them. They then damage cell components, the own proteins of the body, and even your genetic make-up. Understandably, when the cells become less and less efficient and as far as the skin cells are concerned can no longer maintain the elasticity and freshness of the skin. Wrinkles appear and the aging process is accelerated.


Health & beauty: Oxidative stress creates wrinkles

A particularly large number of free radicals arise from illnesses and infections, environmental pollution, or stress. Even if too much or the wrong thing is eaten, the level of radicals in the body increases.

Free radicals are particles that are missing an electron. Thus, they are always on the search for an electron that they could steal from another compound. Antioxidants, the opponents of free radicals, are molecules that have some excess electrons and are happy to give them up, often without being damaged themselves. In this way, you can inactivate the free radicals so that they can no longer cause damage to your body.

Essential oils provide the skin with antioxidants

You should consume as many antioxidants as possible in order to stay young and healthy. You normally take in antioxidants through your food, particularly through the so-called superfoods. But these valuable ingredients can also be absorbed through the skin. Most of the essential oils and their antioxidants applied to the skin can be detected in the body within 10 minutes.

Tips To Boost Testosterone For A Better Physique

Men are largely driven by the male sex hormone testosterone. In addition, testosterone is responsible for androgenic/masculine characteristics (including low voice, body hair, heavy bones & penis). So it’s no wonder that ‘increasing your testosterone’ is the goal of many men…

Tips to increase testosterone levels for a better physique

Before anything else, have a test to check on your testosterone level first. You can request a testosterone blood test from your doctor. At a general practitioner’s laboratory you can have a tube of blood drawn for a testosterone test.

So don’t just take testosterone supplements or testosterone boosters. Talk to your doctor and take necessary tests. Extreme levels of testosterone can be dangerous. When necessary steps had been taken, read testogen review and talk to your doctor about your choice.

Tip 1: Strength training

Strength training is the most effective and efficient way to increase your testosterone level on your own. Make sure that you train all your muscle groups and that you tackle your largest muscle groups (thigh muscles, back muscles & chest muscles) extra intensively. Good exercises for higher testosterone levels include bench presses, pull-ups, deadlifts, squats, lunges, and leg presses. The more often you do strength training, the bigger your muscles get and the more you stimulate your natural testosterone production. So try to do intensive strength training 2 to 3 times a week.

Always keep listening to your body; Don’t do more than you can handle, because then strength training is counterproductive. In addition, make sure that there is always a rest day between two strength training days.

Tip 2: :Live a healthy lifestyle

Increase testosterone levels thanks to a healthy lifestyle. The aging process causes your testosterone level to drop; from age 30, your testosterone production begins to decline. So aging and an unhealthy lifestyle is not a good combination. While you cannot stop aging, you can change your lifestyle. So make it a point to have a healthy lifestyle as much as you can.

Tip 3: Drink lots of water

Drink enough water to increase your testosterone level. Water is needed (directly or indirectly) for all processes within the body, including the production of testosterone. So if you want to increase or maintain your testosterone level, you should drink plenty of water. Water cleanses your body. In addition, a good fluid balance ensures that your body can produce more testosterone during the morning peak.

Tip 4: Watch your diet

Add oily fish to your diet. Testosterone is produced in Leydig’s cells from cholesterol. It is therefore important to keep your “good” HDL cholesterol and your “bad” LDL cholesterol in balance. A good way to do this is to eat fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines. Oily fish contains essential, polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for your cholesterol and testosterone levels. Raw fish (including sushi & sashimi) and fish oil capsules can also help increase your testosterone level. Fish oil fatty acids also ensure that excess testosterone can easily be broken down into androsterone by the liver.

Eat Zinc. The mineral zinc is indispensable for an optimal testosterone balance. Enzymes use zinc as a coenzyme to make testosterone. If you want to increase your testosterone level, you should also eat foods rich in zinc. Some examples of this are: meat, crustaceans, kernels, sprouts, nuts, and edible mushrooms.

Tip 5: Have enough sleep

Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality cause the production of the adrenal hormone cortisol to rise. The more cortisol the adrenal glands produce, the more they neglect testosterone production. Cortisol is therefore at the expense of your testosterone level.

Prevent the production of cortisol by sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night. Try to sleep extra deeply and extra long once a week to refuel mentally and prevent chronic sleep deprivation. Stress also increases the production of cortisol; one more reason to avoid stress…

If you actively sex for half an hour before going to bed, you increase your testosterone even more effectively! Sex promotes the production of endorphins & oxytocin and therefore also for a higher natural testosterone production.

Health & Beauty: Benefits of Adjustable Beds

When you work hard, your body works hard as well. The moment you go to bed to sleep, most of all you want to have a restful sleep, waking up in the best version of yourself.popular adjustable beds base only

If you like to watch your favorite series or read a book before bed, you can use popular adjustable beds base only in your favor to increase comfort. You can adjust the position of the bed to keep your upper body up and even raise your legs a little to reduce the pressure applied in the lumbar area.

The raised bed position helps you sit with your neck and shoulders relaxed and you don’t have to mess with a bunch of pillows.


An adjustable bed helps you fall asleep much faster

Not infrequently, sleep does not come easily and it takes some time until you find an ideal and comfortable position. But an adjustable bed base comes to your aid with adjusting and finding the perfect sleeping position with a simple push of the remote control. With the help of the mechanism, you can lift your upper body, lower body, or keep your knees higher, depending on your preference. You can also experience the Zero Gravity position, being a position that applies as little pressure as possible on the body.


Get rid of snoring with an adjustable beds base

Snoring can be prevented by changing the position of the bed. Snoring often occurs due to the incorrect position in which you sleep, and the air circulation during breathing does not have a correct flow. Raising the position of the head allows air to circulate much more easily and correctly. If snoring occurs due to nasal congestion, an elevated body position helps to unclog the sinuses.


Adjustable beds base: Get rid of the back pain

Back pain should not be overlooked. More and more people have problems with pain, either from overloading the lumbar area or from prolonged sitting. With an adjustable mattress, you can reduce the pressure applied to the back area by distributing the weight efficiently until you find the perfect posture. For many people, it is enough to keep their legs higher to relieve back pain, allowing the lumbar area to relax.

Adjustable beds base: Helps blood circulation

If you have swollen hands or feet, an adjustable bed base helps you sleep more comfortably and relaxed. By setting the position of the legs slightly raised, you will alleviate this condition and increase blood circulation. In addition, if you have problems with blood circulation, an adjustable bed will help you rest more easily and have that much-desired comfort at any time of day.
