Become Healthy & Beautiful

Tag: Ashwagandha

Coping with the Effects of Anxiety, Stress and Fatigue on Our Health

During our childhood phase, the only reason why we found it hard to fall asleep is when we were so excited over an event that was about to happen the next day. Yet as we grew older and developed perceptions of conditions and events happening around us, we began to nurture feelings of anxiety that sometimes kept us awake, whilst feeling stressed and fatigued at times.

To many of us, good sleep, proper nourishments and days filled with activities, enable us to maintain a relatively good physical and mental health. However, stressful conditions vary, as some could prevent us from sleeping soundly throughout the night. Still, in having better control of our mental facilities, we are able to bounce back by not letting the forces of stress and pressure take control of our lives.

However, when feelings of anxiety combine with stressful conditions, they intensify the level of fatigue we experience. Our body tends to seek some form of relief or remedy that will enable it to adapt to the stressful conditions that can weaken our mental abilities.

The oft recommended remedy is as simple as changing our lifestyle in ways that will let our body receive proper nourishments and have the adequate rest it needs. That way our bodily systems will be able to adapt to the increased levels of stress and fatigue.

Lifestyle change though, is easier said than done and the longer it tales to accomplish such mission, the likelier the possibility of our mind and body buckling under the increasing levels of stress and fatigue. In such cases, it would be best to take preemptive action by adding a natural supplement to our nourishments, to help the mind and body deal with stress and fatigue.
Fortunately, there are plants in our midst that contain organic chemical compounds that act as adaptogens, which we can now take by way of herbal medicines.

What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogen is the scientific name given to the natural stress-relieving substances found in herbs, which in traditional medicine are simply boiled and brewed as a medicinal potion. Such substances help the body deal with stress by normalizing its effects on the body. The glands respond by producing hormones in levels that will attain proper balance. Once hormonal balance is achieved, the bodily processes affected by the increased levels of stress will function normally again.

On a molecular level, the chemical compounds act as adaptogens that stabilize the responses of the pituitary, hypothalamic and adrenal glands. Once these hormone-producing glands have adapted to the increased level of stress, the amount of hormones they will secrete thereafter, will be commensurate to the demands imposed by the new stress levels.

The most popular examples of herbs containing adaptogenic substances are Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Maca, Rhodiola., Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Schisandra, which is just to mention a few. Of the examples we mentioned, Ashwagandha is the most potent. It grows in the form of a green shrub that is abundant in countries located in Africa and Asia.

About Ashwagandha

As an herbal supplement, ashwagandha for anxiety treatment is touted as the most effective as it contains stress-reducing substances that produce a mind boosting effect. As adaptogens, they are able to improve mental cognition and increase energy levels in ways that create a positive mood.

However, there are no scientific evidences providing proof that the commercially bought Ashwagandha herbal medicines produce efficient results. Still, medical researches have proven that the chemical compounds of Ashwagandha herbs have a calming effect on the brain, as the substance can reduce swelling, lower blood pressure as well as improve auto-immune responses.

Our advice though is to first consult with your physician before taking any medicinal supplements, to make sure your feelings of anxiety and fatigue are not symptoms of an undiagnosed health disorder.
