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Tag: Fat Burner Supplements

Overview of How Thermogenic Supplements and Natural Foods Boost Metabolism

Fat burner supplements gained popularity because of the natural thermogenic ingredients, which users deem as having positive effects on their metabolism. Still, fitness and nutrition experts at Tazafit opine that thermogenic fat burners are effective in promoting weight loss and good health, if combined with other natural ingredients. That way, the metabolic processes will work toward controlling the storage of fat, improving the breakdown of food nutrients particularly fat, and in eliminating the constant craving for food.

Actually, thermogenic fat burners are a type of weight loss supplements designed to speed up a body’s metabolic rate, which is the core mechanism that works toward losing weight. The thermogenic properties produce body heat to increase internal core temperature that burns fat molecules.

While appetite suppression is a key function of weight loss supplements, natural thermogenic ingredients must also increase the body’s energy production to avoid calorie deficit, while steering the body away from feelings of food cravings.

However, bear in mind that thermogenic fat burners are effective only if users also pay attention to other factors that affect overall health, such as proper nutrition, lifestyle and use of calories by way of physical activities and exercise. In some cases, the genetic makeup of a person, also affects the efficiency of fat burner supplements.

That is why it’s also important to first check with one’s physician if it’s okay to take fat burner supplements when looking to lose weight. Yet in many cases, doctors would recommend the natural approach of adding certain food types to one’s diet as a safer alternative.

Rates of metabolism after all depend on the age, gender, the living environment and in the case of women, the way their estrogen hormones respond to their monthly menstrual period.

Natural Foods that Boost Metabolism Naturally


Below are the top five examples of food that have been scientifically proven as containing nutrients that can boost a body’s metabolism.


Foods rich in protein can increase the body’s metabolic rate and eggs are the easiest and most popular example of a protein-rich food. One hard-boiled egg contains 6.29 grams of protein, which boosts metabolism by prompting the body to use more energy. Food science researchers call this phenomenon, diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), or thermic effect of food (TEF).


Unlike any other seeds, flaxseeds contain vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, omega-3 fats, and other important nutrients that produce various health benefits. Flaxseeds not only heighten a body’s metabolism, but also help in the prevention of metabolic syndrome, Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which a cluster of symptoms occur simultaneously, which can altogether increase risks of suffering from heart disease, type 2 Diabetes and stroke.


Lentils or legumes are similar to flaxseeds, as they are not only rich in protein but also have the right amount of fiber, enough to nourish the good gut bacteria. As such, it also plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome.

Chili Peppers

The capsaicin in chili peppers can induce a feeling of fullness and at the same time, can increase a body’s metabolic rate. While capsaicin is the compound that makes peppers taste spicy, it can naturally speed up the body’s fat burning process. At the same time, it also produces a feeling of fulness that naturally suppresses food craving.


Ginger is a spicy root crop that not only adds flavor to meals but can also control one’s appetite, while increasing body heat that improves metabolic rate. Moreover, ginger has been proven helpful in the production of “good cholesterol,” which comes in the form of high-density lipoprotein that controls glucose levels.
